

Violence can be both visible and invisible, but it always has a profound impact on the health and well-being of the person who experiences it. Violence is never justified. If you have been a victim of violence, it is important to know that you are not alone and that help is always available.

Intimate partner violence

Violence in intimate relationships is violence that an individual experiences at the hands of someone who is….

Sexual violence

Sexual violence can occur both in close relationships and also among strangers….

Psychological abuse

Mental abuse can, for example, appear in the form of verbal exchanges or body language. It has many forms….

Physical violence

Physical violence is when force is used against another person, regardless of whether physical harm is caused…..

Digital violence

Digital violence is committed through digital media or devices. Its manifestations vary….

Financial abuse

Financial abuse is when someone cheats you out of money, takes your money from you, refuses to….

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