Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse can occur both in close relationships and also among strangers. However, sexual violence is most often perpetrated by someone we know and trust. (Stígamó, kynferðisofbeldi). Sexual abuse has many manifestations but often involves the restriction of an individual’s sexual freedom, for example when an individual is forced to perform an act or is put under great pressure to participate in sexual activities. (Sjúká, kynferðisofbeldi). Manifestations of sexual violence include, for example, institutional violence, intimate partner violence, prostitution, digital sexual violence, rape, and sexual harassment. Sexual violence does not always involve physical force or contact, but rather involves some form of sexual behavior that was not consensual. (Stígamó, kynferðisofbeldi). 

More about sexual abuse:

 Sjúká, kynferðisofbeldi, kynferðisofbeldi

 Stígamó, kynferðisofbeldi

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